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NTA EBulletin: September 04: A Great Week for the NTA

Writer's picture: Mike ZillesMike Zilles

Summer Farmer's Market Volunteers!

Dear Colleagues,

Labor Day! A day to celebrate our work and our solidarity!

Our union had a great week last week! We demonstrated our power and unity in a way that could not be ignored by the superintendent, the school committee, or the mayor.

Our contract actions are simple but not easy. They are very powerful.

Come to the September 11, 2023 Newton School Committee Meeting at the Ed Center!

  • The meeting is at 7:00; we will gather at 6:45.

  • Some may wish to join Newton residents for a 9/11 memorial ceremony at 1164 Centre Street, in front of the Fire Department Headquarters.

  • For the School Committee Meeting, we want to fill the room and the halls so come in person if you can!

  • If you can’t come in person, then show up virtually.

  • Sign up for public comment! Share with school committee members how you feel about negotiations.

Wear you NTA T-shirts!

  • Middle School/Elementary/NECP: Wear it Wednesday!

  • High School: T-shirt Tuesday!

  • Ed Center: Tuesday or Wednesday

Sign up for a Farmers' Market Visibility spot on Tuesday afternoon or Saturday morning.

  • Thanks to the many people who did visibilities this summer as well as those who delivered signs, we now have 500 "Support Newton Educators" signs posted in Newton, and the number is growing every day.

  • Markets will be open until mid-October. This is a great opportunity to build community support!

Be silent at any meeting lead by an administrator. Silent Meeting Guidelines and FAQs

  • Participate in the meeting in ways that do not require you to speak: take notes, complete tasks on your computer if requested to do so.

    • If the meeting sends you off to work in small groups away from the administrator, then speak with your colleagues in these groups.

Don’t volunteer to do things that aren’t part of your regular job.

  • Don’t volunteer if the answer to this question is “no”: “Is this something I do as part of my primary job in NPS?”

  • If you’re wondering whether to participate in any voluntary activity, ask your building rep or CAT captain.

  • Anna Nolin has issued this directive in her “Welcome Back” message: “If you have accepted appointment to a stipended job, curriculum writing, or some other paid activity, this work is part of the job that you accepted and agreed to perform and you are directed to follow through on that paid activity for which you have already been contracted.”

    • This does not change the fact that doing additional work is voluntary, even if stipended.

    • If you do not have a written appointment letter regarding extra work you have volunteered to do that pre-dates this directive, it does not apply to you.

    • We do not think this directive is enforceable.

    • Please contact Chris Walsh,, if you have been told that this applies to you.

Don’t be available for meetings, consults, emails, etc. outside of your contract hours.

  • If you have bus duty and are responsible for student safety, you of course, will not leave the students.

    • For Unit C members: fill out and submit a timesheet for the additional time outside of your paid hours. Keep a copy of the timesheet.

    • For other units: Keep a record of any additional time you spend after school to keep students safe.

    • There are funds within the METCO budget to pay for supervision of the METCO students before and after school. Anyone doing this should be compensated for it.

In solidarity, Mike Zilles, President Newton Teachers Association


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