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NTA EBulletin: March 31, 2024

Writer's picture: Mike ZillesMike Zilles

Click on the image above for more information.

As the flyer above states, registration is closed online--contact Keri Woods to register.


UNUM Disability Insurance Representatives Will be Visiting Buildings

Representatives for UNUN disability insurance have not visited buildings since before the pandemic, but this year, they will once again be visiting your buildings. 

UNUM insurance has a contract with MTA to provide disability insurance on very reasonable terms. Because our sick leave policy and sick leave bank protect members in the case of a personal injury or illness that is a year or less in duration, the NTA does not advise members to purchase short term disability insurance...though some members may of course choose to do so based on their personal circumstances. We do advise members to purchase long term disability insurance. Premium costs are deducted from your pay.

Short term disability insurance covers up to 60% of your pay after you have been disabled 14 or 30 days, depending on which coverage you choose. This insurance benefit is provided to you in addition to the regular pay you receive during paid sick leave. Benefits are granted for up to 22 or 24 weeks. 

Long term disability insurance covers up to 60% of your pay as well, but not until you have been disabled for at least 180 days. This insurance benefit is NOT provided to you in addition to your regular pay; it only becomes available to you when your sick leave benefits are exhausted. You are only eligible to receive long term disability insurance benefits it you are NOT receiving your regular pay. 

In most circumstances, we believe it is wise to purchase long term disability insurance. Personally, I have represented educators who have been injured or become gravely ill, are eligible for very little in pension payments, in spite of their disability, and have to face an uncertain future with little financial support. It is heart wrenching. Long term disability insurance helps you avoid finding yourself in this awful position. 

Please see the schedule for building visits below. Click on the image to learn more and to schedule your appointment. (Please note: Times for Newton are not yet entered into the drop down menu for scheduling appointments. They should be soon. You can also schedule an appointment to speak to a representative at a call center if this is more convenient for you.)

 Hope you have fun tomorrow on April 1st. 

In solidarity,

Mike Zilles, President

Newton Teachers Association



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