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  • Writer's pictureMike Zilles

NTA EBulletin: June 2, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

On Saturday, I finally heard Fair Contract perform! That's right. I spent the duration of the strike in the basement of the Ed Center, so I never got the chance to hear them perform. Wow! is all I can say.

AND--the weather was perfect. No snow. No rain. Not too hot, not too cool. Sunny. What a kick-off to June!

I certainly hope they make a Porchfest performance an annual tradition! You'll see me coming back every year!

Thanks to all who organized and participated in this event, and a special shout out to Erik Ritter!

In solidarity,

Mike Zilles, President

Newton Teachers Association

Faculty Meetings in High Schools


A reminder that next year in the high schools--North, South, Springboard, and Central--staff meetings will be held on Tuesday mornings, NOT on Tuesday afternoons. They will begin at approximately 8:00 a.m.--though I do not think the exact time has yet been set. 

Take Action!


Support Legislation to Make Retirement Plus Available to All.

Click here and take one minute to send an email supporting legislation to open up enrollment to members who did not enroll in 2001.

From the MTA:

In 2001, when RetirementPlus was first introduced, many teachers encountered a confusing enrollment process. Some never received an enrollment form while others were led to believe they were automatically enrolled in Retirement Plus, only later learning that they were not. The MTA has worked to rectify these issues administratively, however, an August 2023 ruling by the Division of Administrative Law Appeals has made it clear that legislation is needed to fix this problem.

Click here and to learn more about and support this legislation!

School Committee Office Hours



School Committee members Chris Brezski and Emily Prenner are offering office hours this week and next. I encourage you to attend if you can to share your feelings and thoughts with them. 

They will be available at South High School on Tuesday, May 28th between 4:30 to 6:30PM, and at North High School on Wednesday, June 5th between 4:30 to 6:30PM.  

Evaluation Timeline - Educators with Professional Status

(Unrevised from last week)

Due to the late end of the school year, the NTA and NPS Administration have agreed to an extension of time for the deadline for completing formative or summative evaluation for educators with professional status. The normal deadline is the first Friday in June, which this year is June 7.  We have agreed to extend the time to the second Friday which is June 14th.

NTA Endorses Bill Humphrey for State Representative for 12th Middlesex Massachusetts House District!

(Unrevised from last week)

I am thrilled to say that in our last Representative Assembly, NTA leadership voted to endorse Bill Humphrey to be the next State Representative to the Middlesex 12th district. 

Do I even need to say anything about that decision?! Probably not, since all of you saw Bill courageously stand up and support us during our strike. The members of the RA are confident that he will continue to do so at the state level, supporting critical statewide initiatives, such as the right to strike and the end of using MCAS as a graduation requirement. 

Bill stood up for us. The primary election--which, in Newton, will determine the outcome of the final election--is September 3. Now we need to stand up for him.

Here is a link to his website, where you can find ways to support his campaign.

Here is the sign up form for volunteers including lawn signs

Signs should be ready in about a month or so. 

If you wish to donate directly to Bill's campaign that link is here 

There is a lot we are going to need to do between now and September 3 to help Bill get elected.



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